Lola Rayne Booth

9 Feb, 2007 - 1 Mar, 2007

Openwork is a series of large, intricate paper cut outs made over the years 2004, 2005 and 2006. This body of work is a document of and a testament to the time spent at its creation. The work has a strong immediate aesthetic impact, but this is a secondary product of the hours of craft and graft that went into its making. The physically laborious act of making the work is its most important element.
‘Openwork’ traditionally means any type of work, as in ornamental lace, metal or wood carving that is intricately made to show openings through its substance. This work has as much of its substance removed as left present. The pieces are delicate but have a strong physicality. They are at once obsessive and calming. The work was made as a way of marking time, and as a testament to the fragility of memory. The two photographs of the house in the woods, taken three years apart, mark the start and the end of the process of this exhibition’s creation

  • Date:

    9 Feb, 2007 - 1 Mar, 2007
  • Time:

    Monday – Sunday: 11:00 – 17:00 Wednesday Late Opening: 11.00 – 20.00
  • Price:

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