Ballinglen Arts Foundation Collection

19 Jan, 2018 - 19 Mar, 2018
This year, the Ballinglen Arts Foundation celebrates its 25th anniversary. The Foundation began its Fellowship Program, bringing Irish & international artists to Ballycastle, north Mayo for residencies, in 1992. The artists, often accompanied by their families, have found a very rich environment where they can interact with other artists, the community and the natural world as they pursue their work.

Following their residency, each artist is asked to donate a piece, that they have worked on while at Ballinglen to the Ballinglen Arts Foundation Collection. The RHA Gallery is delighted to present a selection from this rich collection of works all inspired by the Mayo landscape, curated by James Hanley RHA and RHA Director, Patrick T. Murphy. The exhibition will include works by Nuala Clarke, Lynne Clibanoff, Randall Exon, Martin Gale RHA, Elizabeth Magill, Pat Harris ARHA, Hughie O’Donoghue, Nancy Wynne Jones and Donald Teskey RHA, among others.

The Ballinglen Arts Foundation’s mission is to support not only artists, but also the local community & visitors to the area. As the artists benefit from the resources of the rural landscape and community, the community and visitors benefit from the Foundations activities including; exhibitions, lectures and educational programmes for children and adults, all resulting in a very measurable, local economic impact. Among artists and arts organisations, the Ballinglen Arts Foundation has established a reputation for excellence and the supportive environment has nourished many accomplished artists.

On the occasion of this exhibition at the RHA Gallery, the Ballinglen Arts Foundation is delighted to announce the commencement of a major and exciting addition to its facilities and mission, The Museum of Contemporary Art @ Ballinglen, the first museum devoted to contemporary art in the west of Ireland. The new museum will have much needed storage and exhibition space for an archive of 600+ works of art, created over the years by Ballinglen Fellows, plus space for lectures, classes, workshops and meetings.

Ballinglen Arts Foundation has received a grant for €200,000, awarded under the Rural Town & Village Regeneration Scheme. There is a great deal of excitement that comes with this new phase: a museum incorporating new exhibition and outreach programme, including an art reference library available to the public, will draw many new people to the area thus having a greater impact on the various communities affected, including the arts, local, regional and international visitors. Planning permission has been granted and breaking of ground will commence in January 2018.

The grant received is just under 50% of the total cost. We invite you to visit, be part of our growth and support us in any way you can. Please visit to make a donation, no matter how small. You can also support The Museum of Contemporary Art @ Ballinglen and have the opportunity to win a painting by one of 9 esteemed Irish artists, all Members of the RHA, by purchasing a ticket for our fund-raising draw which will take place on the 22 January at Ballinglen Arts Foundation.
Full details on  
3pm, Sunday 28 January – Dr. Tony Ryan Gallery
Join artist James Hanley RHA co-curator of the exhibition for a tour of a selection of works.  
Image: Nuala Clarke, An Fáth (The Reason Why), Acrylic on canvas, 138 x 179 cm, Image courtesy of the artist and Ballinglen Arts Foundation
  • Date:

    19 Jan, 2018 - 19 Mar, 2018
  • Time:

    Monday – Sunday: 11:00 – 17:00 Wednesday Late Opening: 11.00 – 20.00
  • Price:

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