
Róisin Lewis

15 Jan, 2010 - 27 Feb, 2010

Róisin Lewis exhibits work from an ongoing project Lesser Trefoils, inspired by the research of Nathaniel Colgan. In 1893 the Irish botanist asked people from all over Ireland to send him “genuine Shamrock” and he identified those samples that were sent to him. His results included Lesser trefoil plants, White clover, Red Clover, Black Medick and Wood Sorrel.
Lewis is engaged in an ongoing process, gathering trifoliate seedlings as she travels and documenting their growth over months, as they become mature “Shamrocks”. The arrangement of leaves in the Sycamore series, is inspired by fragments of antique lace and printed textiles. Leaves gathered along the R497 are used to construct a landscape.
Róisin Lewis, detail Lesser Trefoil 2, 2009, Image courtesy of the artist.

  • Date:

    15 Jan, 2010 - 27 Feb, 2010
  • Time:

    Monday – Sunday: 11:00 – 17:00 Wednesday Late Opening: 11.00 – 20.00
  • Price:

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