unattainable / joy

Sinéad Aldridge

3 Sep, 2010 - 24 Oct, 2010

something stalks the ghost estates
‘remember as a child, finding a place where you didn’t belong. inventing solitary, repetitive games there. you don’t understand it’s purpose. the meanings that the grown-ups invest it with – snatches of conversations half understood – escape you. something is thrillingly wrong.
Born in Belfast Sinéad Aldridge studied Fine Art at Camberwell College of Art London receiving a BA Hons degree in Painting in 1985 & the D.A.A.D scholarship Karlsruhe Germany in 1986. Aldridge has exhibited widely in Ireland & Internationally with solo shows Works & Days, Sligo Art Gallery, 2008, Penumbra, the Dock Carrick-on-Shannon, 2006, New Work, The Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast, 2007 & 2008, Fast Time, the Model, Sligo, 2002. Group exhibitions include Accrochage 1, Gorizia, Italy, 2010, Occasion The Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast, 2009, Out Of Context – Contemporary Irish Painting, Archeus Gallery, London, 2004 and Irish Contemporary Art, Galleri Weinburger, Copenhagen, 1999.
Recipient of awards most notably Arts Council bursary 2004 & 1993, Northern Ireland Film Council 1994. Sinéad has worked on residencies in Ballinglen Arts Foundation 2002, Maze Prison Belfast 1998, Artist Work Programme I.M.M.A 1997. In 1996 she received the êontas Prize for painting. Her work is held in public collections of Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Boyle Civic Art Collection, Co Monaghan V.E.C, Mayo Co. Council, NUI Galway, St Louise Comprehensive College Belfast. Sinéad currently lives and works in Co. Sligo and is lecturer in Art Practice at the Institute of Technology Sligo. She is currently attending MAVIS, MA in Visual Arts Practices programme IADT Dublin.
Sinéad Aldridge unattainable / joy (still), 2010, video projection with sound, 5mins 12secs, Courtesy of the artist

  • Date:

    3 Sep, 2010 - 24 Oct, 2010
  • Time:

    Monday – Sunday: 11:00 – 17:00 Wednesday Late Opening: 11.00 – 20.00
  • Price:

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