Art Therapy Taster Sessions

€25 person
8 Jul, 2023 - 29 Jul, 2023

RHA Gallery and are delighted to announce a summer series of focused Art Therapy Taster Sessions, facilitated by art therapist Andrea Clare Plunkett. Focusing on the therapeutic benefits of using clay, paint or mixed media, these taster sessions will allow participants to try out art therapy in the gallery setting while focusing on one medium.

Saturday 8th July 1- 3pm – Art Therapy & Benefits of Clay

Saturday 15th July 1- 3pm – Art Therapy & Benefits of Paint

Saturday 29th July 1- 3pm – Art Therapy & Benefits of Mixed Media

Come to one session or more, bring a friend or family member (must be over 18), full details are below.

Please click on the date(s) you’d like to attend above and you will be directed to the registration page.

What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy is a form of therapy that uses art media to express, reflect and communicate. You do not need to have any previous experience or expertise in art to benefit from art therapy. In gallery art therapy we spend time looking at RHA artworks then reflecting on your response to them through art.

Who is it for?

Art Therapy can be used across the lifespan; these RHA sessions are for those over 18 years and cater for all needs or requirements.

What are the benefits?

Art therapy is founded on the belief that creative self-expression has therapeutic value for those who seek a deeper understanding of themselves and their personalities. Art therapy sessions can help a vast array of common life experiences including social or generalised anxiety, relief of stress, facilitate life transitions such as moving to a new country or adjusting to retirement, can support explorations of gender and identity and can help artists who feel they have a creative block. Most importantly art therapy sessions offer a time to stop, relax and re-focus inward. **While these taster sessions won’t have the impact of long-term art therapy, they will allow you to get a sense of what a session is like.

What will I do in the session?

Each session is 2 hours long. The session will begin by meeting with Andrea and other group members then moving into the gallery space and look at a selection of artworks (either clay, paint, or mixed media). Following this, time will be allowed in the studio to create your own artwork and reflect in an open, informal, non-judgmental, safe space. There will be lots of art materials to use. Andrea will help you along the way but what you make is up to you!.

Andrea Clare Plunkett is an IACAT registered art therapist MSc trained in Ulster University, Belfast School of Art. Andrea works with groups in the RHA Gallery both online and face-to-face using an empowering client lead approach.

  • Date:

    8 Jul, 2023 - 29 Jul, 2023
  • Time:

    1 - 3pm
  • Price:

  • Info:

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