From the late 1960s to the early 1980s, renowned Japanese war photographer Akihiko Okamura (1929-1985) created a remarkable, compelling and largely unseen body of work in Ireland, north and south.
This exhibition also launches a major programme which includes a documentary film and the first publication on Okamura’s Irish work. After covering the Vietnam War, Akihiko Okamura went to Ireland in 1968 to visit the country of JFK’s ancestors.
Soon after, in 1969, he decided to move to Ireland with his family. From then on, he continually photographed the Troubles in the North and his life with his family in the South, until he suddenly passed away, in 1985.
Brendan Maher, co-curator of the show, will take the Friends around the exhibition.
Museum visit details: Please meet on the ground floor of Photo Museum Ireland, formerly the Gallery of Photography, in Temple Bar at 1pm sharp on Tuesday 2nd July.
This event is exclusive to RHA Friends only. Join the RHA Friends.
Booking below, places are limited.
Image: Man with injured foot on the train reading the Dogs of War by Frederick Forsythe, Northern Ireland, 1978. Image courtesy of the Akihiko Okamura estate.
This tour is exclusively for the RHA Friends only. Limited Availability. Booking essential.
Join the RHA Friends HERE