RHA Friends Tour – IMMA & Edward Worth Library

RHA Friends

On 7 Mar, 2025

Join us for an RHA Friends tour of the Edward Worth Library and the Take a Breath exhibition at IMMA.

We will begin our time in Dublin 8 with a visit to the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Kilmainham for a 1:30pm tour of the exhibition Take a Breath.

Take a Breath is a major exhibition that provides an historical, social, political, and personal examination of breathing – exploring themes of decolonisation, environmental racism, indigenous language, the Impact of war on the environment and breath as meditation.

The exhibition features the work of (among others): Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Alex Cecchetti, Ammar Bouras, Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński, Hajra Waheed, JMW Turner, Marina Abramović, Ana Mendieta and Isabel Nolan.

We will end then visit the Edward Worth Library in Dr Steevens’ Hospital, located opposite Heuston Station.

Edward Worth (1676-1733) was a physician whose taste in books extended beyond his professional concern with medicine. Beside medical books, ancient and modern (ie. 18th century), one finds important contributions to the study of related sciences, then philosophy, the classics, history etc.

Worth was particularly interested in the book as object: the collection not only holds fine examples of sixteenth-century typography but is also considered to be the best collection of early modern book bindings in Ireland.

Trip details:

Friday 7th March

We will meet at 1:30pm at the main reception desk in IMMA for a tour of the Take a Breath exhibition. We will then take the short walk down to the Edward Worth Library for a 3:15pm tour at Dr Steevens’ Hospital where Friends will need to sign in at the front desk.

This event is exclusive to RHA Friends only. Join the RHA Friends.

  • Date:

    7 Mar, 2025
  • Time:

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