Heather graduated from the National College of Art and Design in 2024 with a first-class honours BA in Fine Art. She is a multidisciplinary artist working in a wide range of mediums including painting, moving image, and installation art.

Drawing from writers such as Sherry Turkle, her work looks at the increased disembodiment of interpersonal interactions through an increasingly digitised society. The immateriality of digital mediums causes intangibility within communication, which affects how we interact with each other and experience each other’s physicality, emotions, and humanity. In particular, she is focused on the relationship between image and consumer, and how the consumption of endless visual information pulled from its context has affected this relationship.

Her work entitled, I Trust You With Your Own Eyes, brings disembodied interactions with visual information into an embodied space, through fully interactive installations that mimic the familiar settings of a house - home office, bedroom, bathroom - emulating how online interaction enables and encourages the invasion of privacy and the entitlement towards doing so. She is interested in inviting the viewer to become part of the work, allowing for a more direct conversation, breaking the illusion of physical anonymity customarily granted to the voyeur, and preventing mental disconnection from how they choose to interact with the work.

Image: Heather Hughes, i can be your dancing girl, Image courtesy of the artist.

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