The RHA invites artists to submit proposals to exhibit in the RHA Ashford Gallery for its 2026 exhibition programme. Exhibition slots are approximately four weeks long. They will begin in January 2026 and be scheduled to the end of Autumn 2026.
The Ashford Gallery is a commercial art space within the RHA, creating opportunities for artists to earn income and meet collectors and new audiences. Artists will also benefit from the expertise of the marketing, engagement and curatorial teams at the RHA.
Artists are asked to submit the following by EMAIL ONLY to RHA Curator, Davey Moor
- Artist statement (max. 100 words);
- Exhibition proposal (max. 600 words / additionally, if applicable, a list of any specialised equipment required);
- 5 images and/or links to video work (NB: images no larger than 1MB – images larger than 1MB will be deemed unsuitable and disregarded);
- CV;
- Indication of the price range of the artworks in the proposed exhibition.
Closing date: midnight, Sunday 27 April
Artists will be notified about the status of their application in mid-June. Please read the Terms & Conditions below before submitting an application.
Terms & Conditions
- To be applicable for this programme, artists must not already have commercial representation in Dublin.
- To be applicable for this programme, artists must not have been included in previous RHA Ashford Gallery exhibition programmes.
- There is no artist or production fee for Ashford Gallery exhibitions. Nevertheless, artists will have the benefit of working closely with the RHA’s technical team to install and de-install their exhibitions. In addition, the RHA Curator will be available to plan and install your exhibition layout with you.
- Transport for the delivery and return of artworks will be organised by the RHA.
- Proposals should be clear and detailed. Artists may not change their initial proposal submitted to the RHA at the time of application; exhibition proposals must be adhered to during the time of install.
- The RHA will retain 35% commission on all sales during the exhibition.
- The RHA does not provide advice on the pricing of artworks.
- You will be asked to provide the RHA Curatorial Team with a list of artworks for the exhibition, exhibition overview, artist statement and price list 4 weeks before the opening of the exhibition.
- In line with the RHA’s mission to provide information that is accessible to all, please be aware that the RHA reserves the right to edit text material associated with exhibitions in the Ashford Gallery.
- The RHA Curator will provide details about the date and duration of your exhibition, as well as the install schedule upon selection.
- Feedback on unsuccessful applications will not be provided to artists by the RHA.