RHA School Graduates 2024

This year marks the first year of the 60 credit Diploma in Painting and Drawing offered at the RHA School and newly accredited by TU Dublin.

New modules have been introduced including Resolution modules and students are exhibiting their work in a group exhibition entitled Resolve that will run for 3 weeks beginning on the 20 May. This marks the first public expression of the work being made by students at the RHA School. External examiner, Mark Joyce has commented on the ‘highly engaged quality’ and ‘high standard of exhibition presentation in the RHA School, with a wide range of individually resolved bodies of work and outcomes. This indicates an openness by the school towards the individual development, experimentation, and resolution by each student’.

We are proud to announce that 11 students have achieved 30 credits on the course and 1 student is the first to achieve 60 credits at the RHA School.

Achieving 60 credit Diploma in Painting and Drawing: Anastasiia Kovtun

Graduating from the course with a 30 credit certificate in Painting and Drawing: Siobhan Collins

The following students have all achieved 30 credits from the RHA School in 2024 and will continue to further study on the Diploma in Painting and Drawing programme:

Bonnie Kavanagh

Ciara Fitzpatrick

David Kelly

Fionnuala Lanigan

Fionnuala Loughrey

Inga Ryan

Ken Jennings

Sara Hakim

Zoe Dillon

Emmett McCrann

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