Critical Correspondence Course 2025

RHA School Course

10 Feb, 2025 - 24 Nov, 2025

The RHA School's Critical Correspondence Course provides artists with critical and developmental insight into the "depths" of their art-making.

Applications have closed for 2025.

This year we are seeking applications from practitioners in any area of practice (painting, sculpture, performance, moving image, expanded practice etc.) that wish to engage in the critical development of their practice. Participating artists will receive two written feedbacks and participate in three critiques held in the RHA with a guest artist over the calendar year. In 2023 guest lecturers were Joy Gerrard ARHA, Phillip Allen, Niamh O’Malley ARHA, Laura Fitzgerald, Alan Butler, Damien Flood and Ciara Roche.

As artists, we all have private rules and ambitions for our work. As artists, we wonder what others will see and read in our work. If art is an alternative communication, what is it we are communicating as artists, whom are we communicating to (or would like to communicate to) and could we communicate with more insight and honesty in terms of what we want to say or not say with the materials of our art. This is a course that applies “What if?” to the possibilities of your art making.

So how does it all work? Led by artist and art critic, James Merrigan, alongside an invited guest artist, mentors and a total of eight participating artists meet three times a year at the RHA School. There we utilise both one-to-one and communal presentations and appraisals followed by written reviews every three months, which the artist sits with until the following crit. By utilising the peer group in feedback sessions you will learn from your peers, whereas individual tutorials will develop feedback carried over from the communal sessions and the ongoing written reviews.

Over the course of the three timetabled meetings mentors will engage in the ongoing processes of the individual artist’s art making through online correspondence, whereby individual artists share images of their art making and dedicated mentors respond to what they see through written feedback that will continue to ask “What if?” Throughout this process, you will be asked to critically reflect on your feedback and art making in diary form.


Image above:

Alan Butler, We are now in the mountains, and they are in us, RHA Gallery, Sept ’24, Installation photography Kate Bowe O’Brien, Image courtesy of the artist.

  • Date:

    10 Feb, 2025 - 24 Nov, 2025
  • Time:

    10 - 17
  • Price:

  • Info:

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